When Abortion Isn’t the Right Choice

abortion clinic Albuquerque options

Abortion isn’t the right choice for some women. They may be facing an unexpected pregnancy, but they already know visiting an abortion clinic in Albuquerque isn’t an alternative. That’s OK. When abortion isn’t the right choice for a woman, there are other pregnancy options. Adoption, legal guardianship, and parenting are some of the other pregnancy

What Are My Options When Pregnant?

options when pregnant test

Finding out you’re pregnant when you weren’t planning it can be terrifying and overwhelming. Knowing your options when pregnant can help calm your anxiety and help you cope with the decisions you must make moving forward. Whether you choose to keep your baby, place him or her for adoption, or have an abortion, requires careful

Sexually Abused and Pregnant? We Can Help.

sexual abuse pregnancy

Sexual abuse victims who become pregnant have some tough choices ahead of them. For some women, the thought of giving birth after being raped causes further emotional trauma. Others may struggle with personal convictions about life that convince them they should carry the pregnancy to term. Whether they then choose to parent or place their

How to Find Low-Cost or Free Prenatal Care

low-cost free prenatal care

Finding low-cost or free prenatal care is a priority for women who choose to become parents. It can be a deciding factor in the choice a woman makes about how to handle her pregnancy. Sometimes pregnancy happens when you least expect it. Missing out on the ability to obtain reasonable healthcare and wellness checks throughout

Homeless and Pregnant? How to Get Help.

homeless and pregnant

Finding out you are pregnant can be scary enough without the added complication of homelessness. Maybe you already were displaced when you became pregnant. Or maybe you were thrown out of your home once you revealed you were pregnant to family members or your landlord. Regardless of the reason, homelessness poses a health and safety

Open Adoptions: 5 Tips for Birth Parents

open adoptions

Placing your baby for adoption is never an easy decision. Birth mothers who make this choice do so with the best interests of their babies in mind. Choosing adoption does not mean a birth mother must completely sever all ties with her baby. There are four different types of adoption. One of those kinds is

What to Expect After Going Through Adoption

birth mother adoption

Finding out you are pregnant when you were not planning to start a family can be overwhelming. Some women know from the moment they see the positive pregnancy test that they are not at a place in their lives where they can raise a child. Others may not be sure how they want to move