What First-Time Dads Need to Know

first-time dads

Becoming a father for the first time can be a bit intimidating. OK, maybe it is downright terrifying. While fatherhood can be one of the most amazing highlights of your life, it also comes with uncertainties and fears that you now hold a precious life in your hands. Intense emotions, coupled with a lack of

How to Soothe Your Fussy Newborn

crying baby

Bringing your newborn baby home from the hospital can be a bit intimidating, especially for first-time parents. Safely transporting your little one home in their car seat is the least of your worries. Once you have your tiny bundle of joy at home, you must attend to their every need. Many first-time parents wonder if

Open Adoptions: 5 Tips for Birth Parents

open adoptions

Placing your baby for adoption is never an easy decision. Birth mothers who make this choice do so with the best interests of their babies in mind. Choosing adoption does not mean a birth mother must completely sever all ties with her baby. There are four different types of adoption. One of those kinds is

What to Expect After Going Through Adoption

birth mother adoption

Finding out you are pregnant when you were not planning to start a family can be overwhelming. Some women know from the moment they see the positive pregnancy test that they are not at a place in their lives where they can raise a child. Others may not be sure how they want to move

Surprise Pregnancy? Do These 5 Things Now

surprise pregnancy

A surprise pregnancy can leave you feeling anxious and unsure of what to do next. You may feel like you failed somehow and panic about the next steps you must take to respond. You are not alone. Finding out you are pregnant is a shock for nearly half of all women in the U.S. each

Baby Essentials 101: What Baby Needs at Home

newborn sleeping

Bringing your newborn baby home from the hospital is exciting and scary all at the same time. Next to discovering you were pregnant, safely transporting your little one from the hospital to his or her new home is a major life event. New parents have a lot of anxiety about bringing their babies home for

Talking to Your Partner About STDs

STD talk

It can be awkward to talk to your partner about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections (STIs). There is no reason for embarrassment. If you are comfortable having sexual relations with a person, then you must be mature enough to discuss the difficult things that come along with being in a sexual relationship with someone.

5 Things to Consider Before Choosing Adoption

choosing baby adoption

Choosing to place your baby for adoption is a difficult decision. Women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy may consider adoption as an alternative to having an abortion. Opting to carry your baby to term and place them with a loving family is the ultimate act of love for a child. Care Net Albuquerque recognizes

STDs and Birth Defects: Protect Your Baby

STD birth defects baby

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause birth defects and other problems for a developing baby. It is very important that women – and their partners – get tested for the most common STDs/STIs once they confirm their pregnancy. When left untreated, STDs and STIs can pass from the mother to

Top 5 Myths About Getting Pregnant

pregnancy myths

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about getting pregnant floating around out there. Following what you think is solid advice about preventing pregnancy can lead to quite the shock when you find out you are expecting. You are not alone if you share in these misunderstandings. Forty-five out of every 1,000 women aged