Finding out you’re pregnant can be scary, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned. Abortion clinics in New Mexico are among the first places some women go when faced with this kind of situation. The most recent figures for New Mexico reveal that 4,620 abortions were performed in a year in the state. Pregnant women who choose abortion clinics in New Mexico may be feeling scared and alone and think they have no other options. There are alternatives to abortion clinics in New Mexico to help you sort through your pregnancy options. Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque is one of the places you can turn when you need extra support.
What is Care Net?
Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque offers free pregnancy testing, free limited pregnancy ultrasounds, and free STD testing. These are all important things to consider if you think you might be pregnant. Our caring and supportive staff helps you figure out whether you are pregnant, if you may have any STDs that could affect a healthy pregnancy, and reviews options for handling your pregnancy if it was unplanned.
Our free resources are designed to help you navigate an unexpected pregnancy. We make sure you are educated about all options, including abortion, adoption, and parenting. Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque doesn’t perform or refer for abortions, but we do arm women with accurate information to help them feel confident in their choice.
Care Net has four locations, plus a medical mobile unit, to make receiving care convenient. Contact any of our offices to schedule an appointment or walk right in to get the help you need.

Pregnancy options to avoid abortion clinics in New Mexico
Abortion may be a consideration for some pregnant women, which is why our staff provides accurate information about this pregnancy option. However, we also encourage women to explore alternatives that abortion clinics in New Mexico may not discuss.
Adoption agencies vs. abortion clinics in New Mexico
Adoption can be a viable alternative to visiting an abortion clinic in New Mexico. Even if you decide you are not ready to become a parent, you may be uncomfortable having an abortion. That is just one of many reasons to consider meeting with adoption agencies to place your baby with a loving family.
Most adoption agencies provide birth mothers with the financial and medical resources they need to have a healthy pregnancy. Birth mothers can choose which kind of adoption they prefer:
- Open adoptions allow the birth mother and adoptive family to meet and have an ongoing relationship.
- Semi-open adoptions allow for the birth mother and adoptive family to meet but not maintain ongoing contact.
- Semi-closed adoptions give birth mothers the ability to choose their baby’s adoptive parents. There is no contact between the birth mother and adoptive family.
- Closed adoptions protect the privacy of the birth mother and adoptive family and there is no contact between them.
Parenting as a choice
Some women who previously thought they weren’t prepared to become parents change their minds after meeting with our staff. If you are on the fence about whether to keep your baby, we can help connect you with community resources to support you in your journey toward parenthood. This includes material assistance, financial support, job assistance, medical assistance, and other essential living needs to ensure you and your baby are healthy. Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque also provides pregnancy and parenting education resources and support groups.

Free services for pregnant women
If you decide to explore alternatives to abortion clinics in New Mexico, Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque can get you started on the path toward a healthy pregnancy. Making sure you are disease-free is one of the first steps you should take if you plan to place your baby with a loving family through adoption or raise them yourself.
Free testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a must if you plan to carry your pregnancy to term. STDs and STIs can cause serious health complications for you and your baby if left undetected and untreated.
Women are more likely than men to experience long-term health consequences after contracting an STD or an STI. Some STDs can damage the reproductive system and cause birth defects. Some of the most common STDs/STIs include:
- Chlamydia
- Genital Herpes
- Gonorrhea
- Hepatitis B
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Syphilis
STD/STI prevention and treatment during pregnancy
If you discover you have an STD or STI while pregnancy, Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque can help. It is important to remember that most STDs/STIs are treatable, especially when detected early. Some STDs and STIs do not cause symptoms, so you should be tested even if you feel fine. You can get peace of mind about your health by requesting free STD/STI testing at one of our convenient locations. While we provide limited treatment options for some STDs or STIs, we can also refer you to a healthcare professional who can determine the most effective course of action.

After-abortion care for women and their partners
Women who choose to visit an abortion clinic in New Mexico to have an abortion may struggle with their decision later. They also may have complications that require medical intervention. Understanding your physical and emotional reactions to abortion is a critical part of the recovery process.
Care Net Pregnancy Care Centers of Albuquerque offer after-abortion care services to women and their partners. We offer a confidential, non-judgmental environment where you can talk one-on-one with someone about your abortion experience. Call 505-880-8373 to discuss your needs with a caring member of our staff.
Alternatives to abortion clinics in New Mexico
If you are unsure of your options to an abortion clinic in New Mexico, contact Care Net Pregnancy Care Centers of Albuquerque today to schedule an appointment with our knowledgeable and supportive staff members. We provide education and facts about all your options and never judge you for your choice. Everyone has different life circumstances that guide their decisions about an unexpected pregnancy. We’re here for you, no matter what you choose.