We are able to offer free help because people in our communities care. There are many volunteer opportunities available. As an organization seeking to serve our city in the name of Jesus Christ, Care Net requires all volunteers to sign an agreement with our statement of faith, statement of principle, and moral conduct code, as well as agree to a background check, provide character references and attend a 12 hour training course. We also suggest that volunteers contribute $60 to pay toward the cost of training materials and background check.

Current Job Openings at Care Net:

Ultrasonographer, RDMS or RN Scanner (FT)

The Ultrasonographer provides ultrasounds according to medical standards of care under the supervision of the Nurse Manager and Medical Director.


Front Desk (PT) for Los Lunas Care Net PCA

Front Desk Receptionist is a support the Center Director in the day-to-day operations of the center. Front Desk Receptionist answers phones, schedules appointments, and maintains an organized work area.  The duties of this position include data entry; coordinate with other front desk volunteer receptionists at the location that as assigned.




Volunteer Positions:

  • Client Advocate — Provide education, information, and assistance about pregnancy options in order to allow client’s to make an informed decision. Offer support, material resources, and referrals as appropriate. We ask for a weekly commitment of at least four (4) hours. This will help cover many of our shifts.
  • In-Service training — As we seek to provide the best service to our clients Care Net provides ongoing training. It is essential that all volunteers keep abreast of what is going on at their particular center.  All Directors are required to conduct an in-service four to six times a year and all volunteers are expected to attend.

  • Sexual Integrity Program Teacher — For teaching in public schools individuals should have a degree in education or related field. The curriculum that we use is designed for public schools. There is also a program designed for use in churches and Christian settings.
  • Parenting Instructor — Individuals may come from every walk of life and have experience parenting. These instructors share our one on one parenting skills and life skills with clients and their families.
  • Child Birth Instructor —Teach birthing classes to families expecting babies.

  • Registered Nurse, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner — Licensed by the State of New Mexico. Responsible for a variety of clinic functions: assessing, planning, direct and indirect nursing interventions, evaluating care, organizing and performing medical services such as; pregnancy tests, limited STD testing, health assessments and education regarding options and prenatal care. There is opportunity to train to provide ultrasounds.
  • Licensed Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS) — Must have appropriate state and professional licensing. Must have experience in limited obstetric ultrasounds.   RDMS will work with the advocates and nurses to determine what the client’s next step should be.
  • Medical Doctor — Licensed in State of New Mexico for obstetrical care, qualified to read Limited Ultrasounds.

  • Annual events — Fundraising Banquet, Walk For Life, Laugh For Life, Change For Life Campaigns, Annual Baby Shower Events, and other events may include local fairs, church booths, raffles, conferences, etc.
  • Event Promotion Coordinator, Special Project Committee, or Event Committee — We need people willing to help with graphic arts, publications, phone calling, organization, securing donated items, deliveries, social media, clean-up crews, work day efforts/help at events, flyer distribution, and a wide assortment of tasks.
  • Prayer Team, Prayer Partner — As we seek to do God’s work it is imperative that we are covered in prayer. Those who volunteer are engaged in spiritual warfare and prayer is essential to sustain them; and our clients need prayer coverage in order to receive God’s grace when they come to our centers.
  • Board of Director Position — 2-3 year commitment for becoming a member of our Board of Directors. Screening is conducted by the current board and individuals seeking this position must be spiritually mature individuals and can be from a variety of professional backgrounds.
  • Handyman or Janitorial Services — On occasion our centers need a face lift and we need groups or individuals with the skills to repair, renovate, or deep clean our facilities.

  • Church Liaison — A person with passion to bring the ministry of Care Net to their church is the perfect go between for their church and the activities of Care Net. We would like to have a Care Net Liaison in every church.

  • Clothing Sorter, Clothing Closet Coordinator — Help organize and sort donated items for the benefit of clients. If you like baby clothing this is for you. Prepare layette gift bags for clients. At some centers these volunteers greet clients, serve meals, and help clients shop.

  • Client Advocate — Provide education, information, and assistance about pregnancy options in order to allow client’s to make an informed decision. Offer support, material resources, and referrals as appropriate. Shifts and locations may vary for our MMU.
  • Compassion Crew — The MMU offers a unique ministry opportunity responding directly to the tragedy of abortion, right where abortions occur. The main purpose of your role is to lead potential clients to the MMU for assistance by engaging them with kindness and compassion from the sidewalk. A 4 hour Compassion Crew training is provided and followed by 2 days of shadowing with trained Compassion Crew members.

There are many opportunities to help with office duties. These may be occasional or regular.

  • Receptionist, Filing Clerk, and Data Entry — Positions require a weekly commitment at a regular time. Duties may include answering phone, filing, copying, data-entry, etc.
  • Occasional Volunteers — help with mailings, cleaning, and miscellaneous chores.
How to Volunteer

Volunteers play a vital role in our mission to provide a safe place for women and their families to explore their options related to pregnancy and their future. We are grateful for your interest in serving.

We are a nonprofit, donor supported, Christian organization that employs Biblical principles in all of our activities. Most volunteers are required to attend a 12 hour peer counselor training followed by shadowing and mentorship program at all centers.

Please take a moment to complete and submit your information below. We will make every effort to contact you within 72 hours. Again we thank you for your willingness to serve.