Talking with your partner about your unexpected pregnancy can be challenging, but talking about what you want to do next can seem even harder. If you’re navigating talking with your partner about your pregnancy options, you’re not alone.
Schedule a free appointment at one of Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque’s five locations. We’re here to listen and share information about every option so you can make an informed and confident choice.
Talking About Your Options
During pregnancy, every woman has three options: parenting, adoption, and abortion. While you may be leaning toward one option over another, it’s critical to talk about each one with your partner. While you have the final say, your decision impacts him, too.
Starting the Conversation
Start the conversation when you both have time to give your undivided attention and are in a comfortable setting. You can ease into the discussion by leading with questions.
Ask your partner where you see yourselves as a couple in the future. Are you planning to stay together? What are both of your goals?
After you lay the groundwork, explain that you are thinking through your options, and one of these options is an abortion. Talk about why you might be considering this option and give him time and space to respond.
Processing the Conversation
After this conversation, you may have many new thoughts running through your head. Was his response different from what you expected? Did your talk raise more questions?
You may want to research abortion or your other options more after the conversation with your partner. If you plan to stay together for the long run, making a decision together matters.
Deciding on the Next Steps
It can be challenging to decide what to do next, even after an open and honest conversation with your partner.
Once you both are ready, review each option and discuss the pros and cons. You don’t have endless time to decide, but you want to ensure you’re making a decision that both of you will feel peace about for years to come.
Safety Considerations
If you are concerned about how your partner will react to this conversation, take precautions. Consider bringing a support person with you, talking in a public setting, or on the phone. Your safety is essential.
Visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline’s website or text “START” to 88788 if the situation escalates and you need support.
Have You Confirmed Your Pregnancy Yet?
Confirming your pregnancy is a critical first step before making any pregnancy decisions.
Visit Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque with your partner to confirm critical details, such as how far along you are and whether your pregnancy is progressing inside your uterus.
After a positive pregnancy testing result at one of our centers, we can provide this critical health information with a free ultrasound scan so you can make an empowered choice together.
Schedule your confidential appointment today.